Abstract Algebra 1
MATH 356
fall, junior year
Def: b∣a ("b divides a") if a÷b∈Z
Division algorithm: a,b∈Z, b>0. Then, there exist q,r∈Z where 0≤r<b such that a=qb+r. Additionally, q,r are unique.
Proposition: If n∣a and n∣b, then N∣a+b.
Proposition: If n∣a and c∈Z, then n∣ac.
Definition: d is a common divisor of a and b if d∣a and d∣b.
Definition: Given a,b∈Z not both 0, we say d is a greatest common divisor of a and b if:
- d>0
- d is a common divisor of a and b
- c is any common divisor of a and b such that c∣d
Proposition: Given a and b not both 0, there is exactly one gcd of a and b.
A group is a set G together with a binary operation ∗ on G satisfying:
- associativity: for all x,y,z∈G, (x∗y)∗z=x∗(y∗z)
- identity: there exists a (unique) e∈G such that e∗x=x∗e=x for all x∈G
- inverse: for all x∈G, there exists a (unique) y∈G such that x∗y=y∗x=e
If, further, we have the property that x∗y=y∗x for all x,y∈G, G is abelian.
GLn(R)={A∈Mn×n(R):A is invertible}